A Hint of Salt: Slowing Down + Paying Attention

A Hint of Salt: Slowing Down + Paying Attention

To be honest, I'm kind of over hearing about how “time is just flying by,” I'm sick of saying it, too. Because really, all that means is that life is flying by, and I don't know about you, but I don't want to rush that sh*t. I mean, don’t we all know what's waiting for us at the finish line?

15min. Mindful Movement Break: MFR + Yoga using the Wall

15min. Mindful Movement Break: MFR + Yoga using the Wall

A 15-minute, mindful movement break that incorporates myofascial release (MFR) with an accessible, standing ‘Sun Salutation’ flow using the support of a wall. This practice is great to use anytime, especially to help break up your work day. Enjoy!

Breathing for Nourishment: 10min. Coherent Breathing

Breathing for Nourishment: 10min. Coherent Breathing

This slow, deliberate, and rhythmic breathing is incredibly efficient at balancing and calming the nervous system, raising heart rate variability, decreasing blood pressure, and boosting mood all while nourishing our bodies, brains, organs, muscles, and cells.

A Hint of Salt: Embodying Effortless Effort (Flow State)

A Hint of Salt: Embodying Effortless Effort (Flow State)

In positive psychology, “flow state,” sometimes referred to as “being in the zone,” is defined as “the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.” 

Breathing for Focus: 2+1 Breath and 10-Count Breath Meditations

Breathing for Focus: 2+1 Breath and 10-Count Breath Meditations

Breathing for focus. The one is less about control and more about mindfulness. Let’s explore two breath-counting meditations that can help you to cultivate a sense of presence, focus, and calm — strengthening your ability to be here now.

Rest, Recalibrate, Recharge: My Top 3 Tips for a Better Night's Sleep

Rest, Recalibrate, Recharge: My Top 3 Tips for a Better Night's Sleep

Let’s talk about SLEEP. We spend roughly 1/3 of our lives doing it and those (ideally) 7-9 hours each night are essential if we want to function as a human each day. But if you’re struggling with poor sleep and feeling your best each day, here are 3 tips that I’ve found helpful to promote a good night’s sleep…

30min. Yoga for Athletes: Active Recovery Flow

30min. Yoga for Athletes: Active Recovery Flow

A 30-minute Active Recovery Yoga class designed to support the downshift into recovery mode. This class is nice to move through right after a workout, training session, or long surf. It could also be helpful post-run and for cyclists, mountain bikers, or anyone at the end of a long day.

A Hint of Salt: The Strength to Keep Showing Up

A Hint of Salt: The Strength to Keep Showing Up

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” The showing up is the pathway, and just like in yoga, it doesn't really matter how we show up, it just matters that we do. Because each & every time we show up we learn something new.

Breathing for Confidence: Bhramari Pranayama

Breathing for Confidence: Bhramari Pranayama

Turn down the noise between your ears and turn up your capacity to self-regulate, re-align, and speak your truth through Bhramari pranayama, also known as humming bee breathing. This is one of my favorites because it’s simple, accessible, and very effective.

Practice Notes: Tips + Techniques for Healthy, Happy Knees

Practice Notes: Tips + Techniques for Healthy, Happy Knees

Healthy knees are crucial for our mobility as they help carry the weight of our body & also absorb shock from walking, running, jumping, and surfing. Check out my top tips for maintaining healthy, happy knees!

Recovery Yoga: 3 Poses to Unravel Your Spine + Reset Your Posture

Recovery Yoga: 3 Poses to Unravel Your Spine + Reset Your Posture

Long day? Say no more. Check out this Restorative Yoga sequence that uses just a blanket or towel, along with the support of your breath and the floor, to help unravel tension around the spine and reset your posture. Repeat this one regularly!

Deeply Involved, Less Attached: Root Down to Rise

Deeply Involved, Less Attached: Root Down to Rise

Just like we can't stop the world from spinning, we also can't stop the passing of time. This moment now will soon be the past and the future will soon become this moment now, so maybe the only way to really sense a slowing down of time is to slow down ourselves.

Breathing to Ground: Extended Exhale (1:2 Ratio)

Breathing to Ground: Extended Exhale (1:2 Ratio)

While the inhale tends to be a bit more uplifting and invigorating, the breath out carries with it a capacity to slow us down, supporting our ability to surrender and rest. This is an easy and customizable breathing pattern that you can do anywhere to help you get out of your head and grounded in the now.

Nourish Your Roots: MFR for the Feet

Nourish Your Roots: MFR for the Feet

How often do you think about your feet?? Maybe some more than others, but let’s take a moment to focus on ‘em. After all, our feet help to ground us and carry us through the world. Check out my go-to sequence of grounding acupressure + MFR that helps to nourish those roots!

Exploring the Edge: Yoga, Surfing, Life

Exploring the Edge: Yoga, Surfing, Life

Death reminds us of the impermanence of life. It's not that we necessarily forget, death just has a way of bringing it back into perspective. As cliche as it sounds, it reminds us that tomorrow’s never promised & all we really have is now.

Recovery Yoga: 5 Hip-Openers Using the Wall

Recovery Yoga: 5 Hip-Openers Using the Wall

Too much working, surfing, sitting, training, running, or anything & everything in between?? Well here’s one of my FAVORITE “recovery yoga” sequences — using a wall — to give the legs, hips, and low back some tender, loving care.

Breathing for Courage: Kapalabhati

Breathing for Courage: Kapalabhati

Technically a kriya, or an internal cleansing technique, kapalabhati can help to cultivate a clear & invigorated focus while also supporting the clearing out of both stagnant energy as well as any unhelpful & unnecessary thoughts.

Human Connection: Like Islands in the Sea...

Human Connection: Like Islands in the Sea...

The practice of yoga not only holds this capacity to reconnect us with our selves, but it also carries this potential to reconnect us with our humanity — the common thread that binds us all. Relearning, over and over again, what it means to be human...

Self-Love: Foam Roller Routine for Chest, Shoulders & Upper Back

Self-Love: Foam Roller Routine for Chest, Shoulders & Upper Back

A quick (5 min.) MFR sequence using a foam roller to keep your shoulders, chest, and upper back feeling good. This one is so versatile and nice to use as pre-surf prep, for post-surf recovery, or just as a movement break during your work day.

Breathing for Connection: Partner & Heart Breathing

Breathing for Connection: Partner & Heart Breathing

Explore one breath practice for you and a partner and one technique to practice with yourself, both intended to cultivate a sense of connection, compassion, appreciation, and love.