Written on March 3, 2014
The other night Brian and I went down to the beach to try and catch the sunset. We both had the night off from work at our restaurant jobs and one of our favorite evening activities (when there aren’t any waves, of course) is to drink an ice-cold beer while saying goodbye to the sun. As we hopped in the truck to drive down the hill to the beach, we noticed it was pretty overcast. “Looks like we won’t get much of a sunset tonight,” we determined. But either way, we decided to give it a go, might as well spend the evening outside. The beach was quiet, the ocean was flat, and the grey clouds lay draped across the sky. It was a pretty nice evening, despite not being able to actually see the sun, and we at least had some cold beers to enjoy. Just as we were about to give up, call it a night, and head back home (with a quick pit-stop at our favorite local bar, El Bohio, of course), a bright, glowing ball of orange started to emerge beneath the layers of clouds. Suddenly the sky was illuminated – red, orange, yellow and pink. The once ominous looking clouds transformed into cotton candy purples and blues. We sat there in awe, just looking at the sky. Hands down the best sunset I have ever witnessed. An overwhelming sense of gratitude and presence surged over me as I sat there watching the sun melt into the ocean. Isn’t it funny how sometimes we are just so quick to judge? Sometimes we are so quick to come to a conclusion about things that are simply out of our control. And when we just let go, give up that need to know everything about everything, and just let the universe work its magic – well, that’s when the magic does happen. The sunset that night was a great reminder, to me, to get out of my head, to keep my eyes open, to absorb, and to keep learning from the countless lessons that nature has to offer.