Self-Care Club: MFR for the Lats, Pecs, & Serratus Anterior (8 min.) — SUNBURNT & SALTY

Self-Care Club: MFR for the Lats, Pecs, & Serratus Anterior (8 min.)

Release tension, restore range of motion, and encourage fuller, deeper breaths with this simple myofascial release (MFR, aka self-massage) technique that targets Serratus Anterior on the side ribs, Latissimus Dorsi on the back, and Pec Major/Minor on the front of the chest.

All you need is a yoga block, or foam roller, and maybe a towel or blanket. Keep in mind that you want to try and get as comfortable and relaxed as you can. I know I say this about most MFR techniques, but this one is for sure my favorite.

It’s a helpful technique for everybody, and especially if you spend a lot of time working over a computer or desk, experience restrictions trying to bring your arms overhead or rounding forward of the shoulders (and/or experience associated pain), and especially for all of my surfers & athletes — THIS is a game changer & will give those paddling / push + pull / accessory breathing muscles some much needed TLC.

So give it a try and let me know how it goes!! And as always feel free to send any feedback, questions, or requests my way!

I hope you all are staying well. Please don’t forget to make time for yourself today, tomorrow, this week... It’s not selfish, it’s essential. Remember the saying, “You can’t give from an empty cup.” So keep sharing & shining your beautiful light with your friends & family & the world, but don’t forget to pause and refill when needed .

These online offerings are FREE for everyone. Please share with anyone that you think would enjoy. Donations are not required, but are welcome via Venmo, PayPal or ATH Movil.

ATH MOVIL: 843-290-4192

I hope you enjoy! If you have any feedback, questions, or requests - send me an email here!
And if you share on social be sure to use
#yogawithsalty and tag me @sunburntandsalty!!

We can come together in solidarity through our self-isolation, and I’m grateful for this wild virtual world that’s allowing us all to stay connected through these truly strange & lonesome times. Recording these yoga classes have been helping me cope with the extreme changes & challenges that I, like many, are experiencing. I’m grateful for this outlet and I’m grateful for you. Hope you are well.