Yoga for Humans... That are Really Busy — SUNBURNT & SALTY

Yoga for Humans... That are Really Busy

A quick (like under-10-minute quick) sequence for those days, or seasons of life, when you just don’t have a whole lot of time. I consider this sequence to be more of an ‘active mobility’ flow, so it’s nice to do in the mornings or during a midday slump — It could also serve as a warmup before surfing or a workout!

Here’s the sequence breakdown:

And if you want to make the sequence longer, you could always throw in a few ‘vinyasas’ or add on more reps!

1. Begin in CHILD’S POSE (or any other resting pose).

Gently guide your attention onto your breath and stay for 5 full cycles.

2. CAT + COW — 5x

Come onto all fours. Keep that steady cadence with the breath. Inhale to extend the spine, and exhale to round. Repeat for 5 or so rounds.


From Table Top (all fours), tuck your toes under and walk your hands back towards you, pausing anywhere along the way that works for you — option to sit all the way back on the heels (Broken Toe Pose). Stay here for the breath in. On the breath out, walk your hands forward to come into Downdog. Repeat for 5 rounds.


From Downdog, step your right foot through to come up into Horse Stance, facing the side of your mat. ‘Cactus’ your arms + retract your shoulder blades to open your heart — this will be the breath out. On the inhale, pivot your feet into Triangle pose at the back of your mat, and reach forward with your top arm ( you can even explore rounding a little thru the spine). Move with the breath, alternating sides. Aim for 3-5/side.

5. ‘SKATER’ SQUATS — 5-10x/side

From Downdog, step your left foot through to come up into ‘Skater’ facing the side of your mat. Keep in mind that the depth of your squat is up to you. Skandasana / Cossack squats are also an option. Keep your hips low and use your inhale to move you through center, exhaling to arrive in your Squat on the other side. Alternate with the breath. Make it xtra spicy by adding Breath of Fire! Aim for 5-10/side.

6. GLUTE BRIDGES — 5-10x

Come through to your back with your knees bent and feet flat. On the exhale, drive through your heels and lift your hips to come into Bridge Pose. On the inhale, slowly lower and tap your hips to the floor. Aim for 5-10 rounds. Add some challenge by ‘walking’ your feet or single-leg bridge (just try to keep the pelvis level!).

7. SEATED MEDITATION — 5-10 breaths

Please don’t skip this part because THIS is where the practice lands! Gently press yourself up into a comfortable seat and return to your breath. Encourage your attention to follow one breath in, and one breath out at a time. Stay for 5-10 breaths.