Here, Now: 3 Practices to Stop Overthinking (That You Can Do Almost Anywhere) — SUNBURNT & SALTY

Here, Now: 3 Practices to Stop Overthinking (That You Can Do Almost Anywhere)

Are you an overthinker, like me??

I spend a lot of time in my head. Like, a lot of time. But thank goodness for this practice of yoga that has given me so many tools that help pull me out of the whirlpool of overthinking and anchor me into the magic of the now. Here are my top 3 practices that I use regularly to help me get out of my head (aka: to STOP over-thinking) and to ground myself in the now (where life is actually happening).

Best thing is you can practice these techniques almost anywhere!


Whether walking, sitting, standing, in shoes, or barefoot… Take a moment to sense your feet underneath you and really FEEL into those contact points between your feet and the floor.

You could also practice this by feeling your HANDS too, noticing the pressure of your hands on your knees or lap or steering wheel.


Take a pause from overthinking & whatever else it is you’re doing to tune into your breath. Slow it down and smooth it out. Can you give yourself space to just follow one breath in & one breath out at a time?

I like to practice a wave-like breath here, breathing into belly & low back > ribs & mid back > chest & upper back and exhaling out the reverse order, chest & upper back > ribs & mid back > belly & low back.

Take as many breaths as you need.


Use your senses! For this technique, you’ll simply notice:

👁️ 5 things you can see
✋🏼 4 things you can touch
🎶 3 things you can hear
👃🏾 2 things you can smell
😋 1 thing you can taste

I hope this is helpful. Even when it feels overwhelming, you got this. Keep showing up! And if you have any others to add, please share in a comment below