MFR for Surfers: A Curated Playlist for Overworked Shoulders

A curated "playlist" of a few of my favorite MFR techniques for overworked shoulders -- perfect for surfers, athletes, and weekend warriors.

You will need a few props that you can commonly find around your home. For example, we’ll be using therapy balls to target tight tissues around the shoulders. I prefer to use the RAD Recovery Rounds that were created in collaboration with my yoga school, Yoga Medicine. I find that they are the perfect density to work into tender spots. If you want to treat yourself to some top-quality MFR tools - feel free to use my code “CAITRAD15” for 15% OFF your order at

If you don’t have therapy balls, you can use tennis balls (or something similar - keep in mind the smaller & more dense the ball, the more intense). You don’t want this to be painful, so even a pair of rolled up socks could be helpful. You’ll also need a yoga block or a foam roller, and a couple of pillows or a blanket may also come in handy.

These are great to do at the end of your day or after a long surf or training session. I hope it’s helpful and please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have!

1. Shoulder Release at the Wall (6 min.)
You’ll need a therapy ball or tennis ball and some wall space.



2. Lat & Pec Release on a Block (8 min.)
You’ll need a yoga block or a foam roller.



3. Upper Traps Release (7 min.)
You’ll need 2 therapy balls (or tennis balls, or rolled up socks) and a yoga block or pillows to prop under your hips.