Yoga for Humans... That are Feeling Burnt Out

We’re a little over a week into 2022… How’s everyone hanging in there??

I really hope that you’re all doing well, but I also wanted to share this new #YogaforHumans reel because post-Holiday, and post-swell, fatigue are both very real things.

And aside from the Holidays (or maybe the anticipation + navigation of swells) regular burnout has become all-too-common in our society. And it shouldn’t be that way. Why run ourselves ragged just to reach empty?? And, what would shift if we took the time to pause + refill whenever we notice that we happen to be running low?? To me, the latter seems like the most sustainable option 🔋

My teachers Tiffany Cruikshank and Rachel Land dive a bit more deeply into this topic of ‘Navigating Burnout’ over on the Yoga Medicine Podcast here. I highly recommend you give it a listen!

But either way, whether you’re teetering on the edges of burnout or currently in its grasps, allow this Restorative Yoga sequence to support you!

Save, repeat as needed, and share to encourage more self-care! ❤️


A few things before you begin:

  • You’ll need a bolster or a couple of pillows from around your house (My bolster is from @MandukaYoga, use code CAIT for 15% off!).

  • The cues I offer are just suggestions. Listen to your body and adapt the practice to support your needs.

  • We aren’t looking for a deep stretch in any of these shapes, more importantly try to find a place that you can relax into.

  • Depending on how much time you have, aim to stay in each shape for at least a minute or two (5-10min practice), eventually working up to 5 or so minutes in each pose (25-30min practice).

  • Explore slowing down your exhale and sense that your body can melt into the props and the floor.

Here’s the sequence:


    • Come to lay on your bolster so that it’s below your armpits but above your hips. Somewhere around your lower rib cage will be resting on the bolster.

    • Cross the arms and walk the hands as far apart as feels comfortable. Drop your head onto your arms or bring another pillow/bolster under your forehead.

    • About half-way through the hold, gently switch the arm that’s in front.


    • Gently press yourself up to a seat and bring your legs out in front of you in a ‘V’ shape (it’s OK for the knees to be a bit bent here).

    • Bring the short end of the bolster somewhere on the floor between your legs, using the opposite short end as a prop to support your forehead as you ease yourself into a mellow fold.


    • Come to lay on your right side, propping your left (top) knee on the bolster out in front of you. Bring your arms out in front of you, left palm resting on top of right.

    • Gently open your left (top) arm into a twist, allowing the left knee to stay supported on the bolster. Try to get your left arm to the floor. If that’s not happening, bring a pillow under your arm to lift the floor up to you.

    • Don’t forget to do the other side!


    • Ease your way onto your back with knees bent and feet flat. Bring the bolster under your hips for a ‘Supported Bridge Pose.’ Option to stay here with the knees bent and the feet flat, or walk the legs out long.

    • For the arms, either bring them out to a ‘T’ shape with the palms facing up, or bend the elbows to bring the arms to ‘cactus,’ either way, just make sure they can rest on the floor.


    • From your Supported Bridge, gently move the bolster down so that the backs of the knees can rest on the bolster. Find a comfortable position with your arms and allow yourself to rest for as long as you need.