myofascial release tutorial — VIEW ALL ARTICLES — SUNBURNT & SALTY

myofascial release tutorial

Self-Love: Foam Roller Routine for Chest, Shoulders & Upper Back

Self-Love: Foam Roller Routine for Chest, Shoulders & Upper Back

A quick (5 min.) MFR sequence using a foam roller to keep your shoulders, chest, and upper back feeling good. This one is so versatile and nice to use as pre-surf prep, for post-surf recovery, or just as a movement break during your work day.

MFR for Surfers (y Todxs): Neck Tension Relief

MFR for Surfers (y Todxs): Neck Tension Relief

These three simple + effective myofascial release (MFR or self-massage) techniques are my go-to when I’m experiencing tension in my neck. Whether I’ve been logging hours paddling around on my surfboard or working over my desk + computer, these techniques tend to give me immediate relief... And the best thing, you don’t need any tools!

Practice with Me: Anytime Online with The Salty Club

Practice with Me: Anytime Online with The Salty Club

Did you know that you can practice with me anytime online over on The Salty Club App? Well if you don’t know, now you know! And I highly recommend checking out this incredible surf-inspired platform, if you haven’t already…

MFR for Low Back Pain (MFR for Surfers, Athletes, y Todxs!)

MFR for Low Back Pain (MFR for Surfers, Athletes, y Todxs!)

Low back pain is unfortunately all too common. Check out this myofascial release (MFR) tutorial to help you release tension, ease pain, and free up some space in the low back so that you can continue to feel good and move well! I highly recommend this as recovery post-surf or sport, or at the end of a long day. You’ll need 2 therapy balls.