Yoga for Surfers: Easy + Effective Pre-Surf Shoulder Warmup — SUNBURNT & SALTY

Yoga for Surfers: Easy + Effective Pre-Surf Shoulder Warmup

A majority of the time that you are ‘surfing,’ you are probably actually paddling.

So check out this quick (yet effective) shoulder warmup, and give it a try before you paddle out for your next session.

All you will need is a yoga strap, or a long-loop resistance band (like I’m using), or something similar. Sarongs, belts, towels, and even broomsticks will all work too!

1. Bring your strap out in front of you. It’s different for everyone, but your hands will be a little bit (or a lot) wider than shoulders width. A wider hand grip tends to be more user-friendly for those with tight shoulders! 😉

2. Pull your strap taut and engage your whole body — hands, arms, shoulders, chest, core, legs. Reach through your knuckles and begin to draw a big circle with your arms, then retrace your steps.

3. Try to keep a long spine, elbows relatively straight, and front ribs back. There should be little/no movement in your elbows and spine.

The KEY here is to MOVE SLOWLY and WITH CONTROL. Work within a range of motion that is accessible for you. If you know/feel there’s a painful place along the circle, stop your circle just before that point.

GOING SLOW not only helps to keep this active, it also offers us the space to PAY ATTENTION. Work with yourself, not against yourself.

Make these really count and slowwwww down your movement in any spots that might feel a little bit ‘sticky,’ but remember, never painful!

Start with a few circles, then work your way up to 5-10. I love this one because it’s quick, easy, and an effective way to mobilize the shoulders, fire up the core, and turn up body awareness. Helpful for surfing, before a workout, or to just kickstart your day!

Save and repeat regularly, and please feel free to share with anyone that might find this helpful! 🌞🌊

Thanks to my awesome hubby @bossman_dingrepair for helping me record and grateful for our time in this beautiful space @nbr_surfing!

Headline photo by the beautiful + talented Rachel Tanner.