The New Year can be a nice time to set goals or intentions as it always feels like a fresh start. Although, life is also never linear, and it’s important to remember that we each hold the power to pause, reflect, and begin again whenever we need to clean the slate, recenter, or refocus our attention. Let these prompts support you!
Self-Care Club: My Go-To Practices for Managing Anxiety
Anxiety is something that has been present throughout the majority of my life. It’s shown up in a variety of forms and ways over the span of my relatively short lifetime, and it wasn’t until fairly recently that I’ve begun to acknowledge it, accept it, and work with it, instead of working against it. Here are my 3 go-to practices for managing my anxiety.
Journal Prompts for Monthly Reflection + Goal Setting
Taking the time to reflect and to set goals helps me to cultivate a clear and intentional path for navigating my day-to-day. If journaling is new to you and you’re looking for a place to start, or if you’re just looking for a little inspiration, here I share five journal prompts for monthly reflection and goal setting.
Manifesting Magic: Journal Prompts for New Year's Clarity
Manifesting Magic: Mid-year Check In
The beginning of summer is a notable halfway point through the year and has an oddly similar feeling to the beginning of a new year. And like a new year, summer always feels like a good time for a checking in and for a fresh start. Here are a few quick prompts to help you get clear on what you want to create this last half of the year.