Another cruisy playlist to inspire 90minutes of mindful movement. It’s especially yummy for a feel-good Vinyasa Flow! Enjoy for your own personal practice or as background for your classes!
Hey friends! It’s been a while. I figured it’s a good time to fill you in on what I’ve been up to… I’ve had to take a step back from it all in order to reconnect to my practice and to get clear around what’s really important for me, what I want to focus my energy and attention on, and what it is I want to share.
Another September has come and gone, and for the 2nd year, I participated in the SurfAid September #MakeAWave Challenge of surfing 30 days to raise funding and awareness for the SurfAid Programs.
It was an honor to have the opportunity to write a piece for the Manduka Blog as a part of the Manduka x Gerry Lopez collection launch. In this article, I share my personal experiences with surfing and yoga and how I view the two as similar spiritual paths that reconnect us to life.