This is a 20minute, energizing Breathwork Practice that is really nice to do first thing in the morning to help you wake up your body and to cultivate a clear, calm, and focused mind. You could also use this before a yoga practice, a surf, or a training session. We’ll begin with some MFR so grab a towel or a blanket and let’s dive in!
Turning In: A Yoga-Inspired Spotify Playlist for Fall
Happy Monday! And to kick off the week, and a new month, here’s a NEW Spotify playlist for you. This one was inspired by the transition from summer to fall, and as we switch seasons here in the northern hemisphere, the autumn months always seem to carry with them a sense of slowing down, turning in, and a return to routine. So, enjoy this mainly instrumental playlist to encourage introspection in your practice. Enjoy!!
Featured: Yoga for Surfers with prAna's National Yoga Month
I’m stoked to have teamed up with prAna for National Yoga Month to share with y’all a 30minute Yoga for Surfers practice that will help get the body warm and awake while also cultivating a clear, calm, and focused mind for your surf, or for your day. Great as a pre-surf/sport practice, morning flow, or midday re-energizer. Enjoy!!
MFR for Low Back Pain (MFR for Surfers, Athletes, y Todxs!)
Low back pain is unfortunately all too common. Check out this myofascial release (MFR) tutorial to help you release tension, ease pain, and free up some space in the low back so that you can continue to feel good and move well! I highly recommend this as recovery post-surf or sport, or at the end of a long day. You’ll need 2 therapy balls.
Cultivating a Clear, Calm and Focused Mind: A Mindfulness Meditation for Efficiency
New Yoga-Inspired Playlist: Sweet Like Honey (60min. Slow Flow)
MFR for Deep Breathing: No Props Needed!
One of my favorites and definitely most used!! This is a nice way to start the day and a GREAT technique for pre–yoga / breathwork / training / surfing / and of course, I gotta think about all my free-diving friends! This technique focuses on the intercostal muscles between the ribs and you don’t need any props - sólo tús manos - so you can practice it anywhere.
Always Adapting: MFR for Surfers on The Salty Club!
Let’s explore fascial health and the role it plays in how we move through our daily life. I began incorporating myofascial release into my self-care routine a little over a year ago and it has been a game changer - not only for my yoga practice, surfing & cross-training recovery - but also in how I feel and connect with my body. I’m stoked to share a 2-part MFR for Surfers Series that I recorded for the rad crew at The Salty Club!
At-Home Yoga: 5 Easy, DIY Yoga Props that You Can Recreate at Home
I am a BIG fan of using props in both my personal practice and in the classes that I teach. But with current times - classes transitioning to online, at-home, and bring your own props - it can be easy to miss the yoga studio experience. So here I share 5 easy, DIY yoga props that you can recreate at home!!
To Notice: Taking Our Practice Off the Mat and Into the World
Our ability to notice 'on the mat' fine tunes our ability to notice 'off the mat.' If our practice stays limited to the confines of our yoga mat, then it is not really yoga. As our practice reminds us, we can learn so much when we give ourselves permission to get quiet and to notice... So why wouldn't we want to apply this to the external world??
New Playlist for a 75min. Gentle Vinyasa Practice
NEW Yoga-inspired Spotify Playlist. Over the years, both my personal practice and classes have definitely transitioned from Power Vinyasa Flow to Gentle Vinyasa Flow, and THIS playlist here is a lovely soundtrack to inspire a little bit of mellow movement. Press play, turn up the speaker, roll out your mat, and get moving!
Self-Care Club: MFR for the Upper Traps (7min)
A cue that’s commonly heard in many a yoga class is: “Relax the shoulders away from the ears.” It’s like as a collective we hold tension in the neck & upper back. Relieve tension and stiffness, ease pain, and encourage tissue health and hydration with this myofascial release (MFR) technique that targets the tissues of the upper traps. You’ll need 2 therapy balls and a yoga block.
New Playlist: Get on Your Mat & Move! (60min.)
Some days nothing feels better than turning on some music, rolling out a yoga mat, and allowing yourself to flow freely. This playlist is for those days. Enjoy a 60 minute, Vinyasa yoga-inspired Spotify playlist that’ll encourage you to get on your mat and get your body moving! You know you’ll feel amazing once you do. Enjoy!
NEW Virtual Group Yoga Classes & Online Private Yoga Packages
I took a short break from social media & virtual teaching, but I’m back and feeling refreshed and excited to teach online again! Join me for some NEW Virtual Group Yoga Classes and learn about my NEW Private Yoga Offerings. Plus, a THANK YOU discount code for your first Online Private with me. Click the link for more.
Self-Care Club: MFR for the Lats, Pecs, & Serratus Anterior (8 min.)
New Playlist: "Keep On Flowin" for a 60min. Vinyasa Flow
It’s been over a month since we were able to practice together in a group class, and it’s probably been that long since I’ve made a playlist! I enjoy making playlists specific for my group classes, and since it’s been a while, I thought I’d share a recent playlist with some tunes that I’ve been loving to flow to during my personal practice at home.
"Warrior Flow" Yoga Sequence to Awaken the Body & Focus the Mind (30min.)
Self-Care Club: A RAD Way to Treat Yourself (& show me a little support as well)
RAD makes my go-to myofascial release (MFR) tools that both my partner and I use daily. If you’re looking to purchase some quality MFR tools to incorporate into your self-care practice, check out this company and use my affiliate link to shop. Treat yourself, and show me a little support as well.
MFR Techniques for the Hamstrings (14min.)
Release tension and restore tissue integrity in the hamstrings with these simple myofacsial release (MFR) techniques that you can practice at home. This can be helpful for yogis, surfers, and athletes - or if you experience discomfort in the low back, around the seat, through the back of the leg or the knee.
7 Tips for Creating (and Sticking With) a Home Yoga Practice
For the time being, life mostly occurs at home. Work, workouts, yoga, school, food, happy hour… it seems like most of the world is under this stay-at-home order. So as we all do our best to adapt to our current reality of studio closures and social distancing, I’ve shared 7 tips that I’ve found helpful for creating and committing to a home yoga practice.